This program may be freely distributed to all FirstClass™ administrators.
I'll tell you this right off the bat...
Warning: I, and anyone/thing else in the world, will NOT take any responsibility for any crashes or damage caused by the FICN Licking Good program. (There is even the remote possibility that it may even trash your system files). So use it at your own risk.
Now that we have passed the Standard disclaimers... I'll tell you a bit about FICN Licking Good™. It is a program that was developed in about 5 minutes flat. Yes, quite a remarkable amount of time... But anyways, it was created to help out FirstClass™ administrators in the process of creating settings files for FirstClass™. When admins are creating settings files, there is the torcherous task of re-numbering icons (cicns) and then making their complementary FICN 's so the icons can be enabled in FirstClass™. Well FICN Licking Good™, automates this process for you. It will renumber the cicn 's and make the appropriate FICN 's for your settings file. No more hassles.
If you run the program plainly, you will be asked to open a FirstClass™ settings file. Next the program will display the current number of cicn's used. It will then ask you if you would like to renumber the cicn 's (and if you choose to renumber, it will ask you for a starting number). After the renumbering stage, it will ask you if you would like to make the FICN 's. A log file of type text is always created in the same directory of the application and it displays all the transactions that occured during the run of the program. And that is basically the entire program.
If you use the drag and drop feature of the program, it assumes automatically (without question) that you want to renumber the cicn 's and that you want to make FICN 's. So becareful with this feature.
I have successfully test the program on a Macintosh II running system 7.01 and a Macintosh IIci running system 7.1 . Please also note that FICN Licking Good™ does not delete any resources, so if you already have FICN 's inside the settings file they will either be overwritten or they will just be left there. Always work on a copy of your settings file. That way if the program should screw up, you won't loose all your work.
Although this program is totally unsupported, you can contact me at:
on FirstClass™ (via multi hop mail or directly) at...
Gregory Agostinelli,CNCI or Gregory Agostinelli,Magic or Gregory Agostinelli,SoftArcOnline
or on Internet at... or or or or
(or... or... or... <GRIN> I have more unix accounts / internet addresses but I think that's enough...)
FICN Licking Good™ is an unregistered trademark of Gregory Agostinelli
FirstClass™ is an unregistered trademark of SoftArc Inc.